Saturday, July 15, 2006

UltraPin / Pinball Legends prototype test video!

I deleted this video, the table makers asked me to take it down. They have promised to try to get a new video soon, if they send it out, I will post it here.

An "in action" video of an up and coming product called UltraPin / Pinball Legends. I found this video after a long search through a lot of forums and now post it here for everyone to share. This video is about 9 months old I believe, though it could well be a year. To find out more about this check out the forums on and several commercial video game vendor sites.
There is a lot to this story and I will post more on it as I get more information. I have no first hand knowledge of any of this, everything I know I found through search and forums. The last site I saw had a release date of 4th Quarter 2006. I am hoping they make it out this year, this project was announced over a year ago and they already had three years invested. The original release date was supposed to be 4th Quarter 2005.
The great thing is, all the tables coming in this game are from made from builders in the community who work hard to produce great authentic play tables. Hats off to all the table builders and everyone on this project who tried to keep the community informed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ultrapin is now shipping, and specs, pictures and more can be found at: